Coping with Covid Confinement
Open Minds Group September 2020 - Coping with Confinement
Like lots of other groups, we have had to move our face to face support group to an online only space because of the coronavirus pandemic. This is a summary of our September 2020 meeting.
We talked about the challenges of living in these strange times. Lots of us have felt confined and trapped over the last few months and not being able to touch others has had real impact on our sense of connection.
Chronic stress or anxiety can have significant effects on our minds and bodies. Low energy, lack of enjoyment, irritability and feeling like everything is a chore, can be signs of burnout. If there are strong feelings of sadness too, it could also be a sign of depression.
So if this sounds like you - sit down and allocate yourself some time to reflect on where you're at. For me, this usually involves a pen and paper and a cup of tea.
Check your energy levels in the moment and then over the last week. Also think about how much you're enjoying things.
If there are signs that you might be burning out, plan some rest, connect with people who make you happy and make a commitment to enjoying yourself more. This could be taking more walks, doing some stretching or listening to your favorite music.
It sounds simple - but these are the first things we forget to do when we're under pressure.
It's impossible to replace a touch or a hug from someone - and this is one of the hardest things about lockdown for many people. Although it's not the same, you can get some feelings of warmth and connection by helping others, nurturing plants or animals or through practicing compassion based meditation.
I'll end this message with wise words from one of the members from the group:
"Remember - be kind to yourself, be mindful of self-care, be present in what you do, life is precious and life is urgent, everything you need you have right now if you look carefully."
I hope everyone is well and hope to see you soon.
The Open Minds Project