Talking about LGBTQIA+ poetry and art in the midlands
Poetry and art can be powerful ways for us to communicate our experiences as LGBTQIA+ people. When we describe something in words or in images, it can also be a way for other people to see themselves in the world. In saying this, it’s not always easy to find diversity in the poetry and art that we see.

Our 6-Week Creativity as Self-Care Workshops
Our first 6 week course on the topic of Creativity as Self-Care is all done! It’s been a really useful experience to plan and deliver. Our aim was to give people time and support to develop ways of using creativity to look after themselves. The course was developed in response to Audre Lorde’s idea that self-care is not a selfish act, but a political act of self-preservation for us lgbtq+ people of colour.

Talking about our food heritage in the Midlands
“This month, our Birmingham Group gathered on a weekend, hoping to broaden accessibility and infuse a different energy into our meeting. We chose the topic of food and eating, a significant aspect of our South Asian heritage. One member surprised us all by bringing samosas and pakoras, sparking a delightful moment of shared enjoyment.

Joyland Film Screening
We were super excited to be invited to see the film Joyland as part of Newham Community Cinema’s celebration of LGBT+ History Month.

Show and tell
“January 2024 saw us back in London at The Common Press, an LGBTQIA+ book shop in East London. We asked people to bring items that were important to them and that represented something important about their connection with their South Asian heritage. “